Like others, I'm not sure what to think of this game. For one, the movement is very limited and slow, especially the jumping mechanism. I understand gameplay was not what you were focusing on though. The graphics are also minimalistic in some parts, but I have a feeling this is intentional. Without more of an explanation, this is more like just watching someone get killed than a story or even a message to be given. I have my own interpretations, but I had to work at it to come up with one and it is pretty far out there.
I think the part where the character is standing on clouds is limbo (an place between heaven and hell). The character could have willingly stayed on the platforms, but not understanding where he was, decided to venture off and entered hell, where he could not return to limbo. There was straight path set before him sand not knowing any better and having no where else to go, followed it and ended up in his own version of hell, which seemed to represent his life well. He was alone when he died and he never calls out to anyone for help. From here, the voice cuts down the character both physically and mentally, taking away the only person this boy ever had: himself. Making him believe he should have never been born.
My other interpretation is that this may have to do with abortion although I mainly take this impression away due to the title and ending location, which reminded me of a womb, where an undeveloped child could still be destroyed. The speaker is the mother, either truly considering the child terrible for having to go through getting rid of the child or those words are being told to her by people around her and the child is hearing them. However, I can't explain the house or fire with this idea. The only other idea I've come up with is the thought that dying young and alone is not much different than never being born. I'm not saying I agree with all these interpretations, but this is what I take from this game
Even with the possibility of interpretation, it is important for games like this to be polished in order to emphasize the points or story that it is trying to convey. Without more content or better explanation, people will dismiss the game as being poorly made or "just stupid" as others might say. Abstract concepts and realism need to be need to be effectively used to get points across to an audience. I hope my review doesn't heed your work. I'm sure you will improve with time so do not give up.