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Recent Movie Reviews

54 Movie Reviews

The animation is okay and it's obvious work went into this, but I honestly didn't enjoy it much (spoilers ahead):
- The movements in the animation feels robotic in some parts or I should say not fluid enough. I'm not sure why it feels that way though. I don't know if it is because they're not quick enough at times (like where the alien jumps up into the vents for the first time. It reminded me of CGI movements), or the movements too stiff (like her walking into the kitchen) or if it's because the speed at which the movement happens is too uniform; there's no jerky movements or drastic changes in speed in little moments. For example, take the main character putting on her boots; everything from her stepping out of the pod, to sitting down, to putting on her boots feels like the exact same speed when you could have had it where she sat back hard or, once the boot was on, she dropped her foot down to the floor.
- It's just the movie Alien, but in an anime style. Yes, I know the plot points and setting aren't the same yet when you're doing something that closely mirrors something else, you either need to take it in a different direction or do an even better job than the original, otherwise it comes across as just a bog standard homage when it could have been a lot more.
- I feel like portions of the animation could have been removed. At the part where the main character wakes up and says she hates Mondays, it could have cut to her in the kitchen. I could be completely off on this point, but it's also clear that moments like these aren't plot relevant and it wasn't interesting (the only thing you could say is it acted as build up for the interesting parts though there might have been better ways of doing this).
- The alien honestly wasn't that intimidating, which I think goes back to the movement thing I mentioned before. Maybe some more sound effects or different camera angles could have helped, where only parts of the alien are on the screen sometimes, building suspense.
- The voice acting and sound effects are probably the best part. They were very well done.
- I guess my last criticism is the plot, most of which is pretty good. Depressurizing parts of the ship is definitely the plan of action I would have taken if there were no security systems for dealing with intruders. Most of the actions taken make sense except for a few glaring ones: wouldn't the ai computer have a built-in security system for detecting unknown life forms or at the very least inform the crew if it detected some? As soon as she saw it enter the vents, you'd figure she'd immediately be wary of the one in her room. Do they not have weapons onboard? When jumping, how did she know she'd land on the driller and not float out into space?

Overall, it is a good effort, but it didn't make me feel much of anything except possible fear of a jumpscare (thank you for not doing that by the way. I think they're cheap). I wish you luck in your future projects.

I'm extremely impressed.
- Coming into this, I don't think I had seen any of your other works so this was my first introduction to Mike and Zack and, while watching, I thought "these guys could have their own sitcom". You made it so they both have different personalities, but instead of having them constantly butting heads over this (which could become frustrating, awkward, or tired out, especially if not done right), you have them reacting to Ramsey and the situation mostly instead, kind of like their friendship is established in-spite of their vast differences (I probably didn't explain this well; I just thought it was a good dynamic).
- You almost always have something interesting or funny happening on screen, which is something I feel other comedy animations can end up lacking (I've rewatched this more than once and caught details I missed the first time, like Ramsey just standing in the yard overnight, staring blankly). It also moves at a great pace; not frantic and not too slow.
- Great art, sound effects, music, and voice acting.
- The only part that lost me (at first) was when Ramsey asked where Zack was and Mike said he was in the closet. When Ramsey said "He can knob whoever he wants", I thought he was implying Zack was doing someone in there, not that he was gay, so the joke about him being gay later on didn't land. Also, I don't get the "I paid Stuart" part.

If you guys ever need voice actor for your stuff, let me know! I wish you well in your future projects!

Despite the monologue not being groundbreakingly new, I very much enjoyed it; that vampire has a way of words (and the voice performance was both fitting for a vampire and well performed, you little shit). The face of the vampire and his posture were perfect and the generic looking knight at the beginning was great for absorbing that monologue. The music and sound were good as well. Though my favorite part by far was the bingo card. I got multiple laughs from reading it (despite not knowing all the references or understanding all of it).

Overall, a great animation. I hope to see more from you, you little shit.

Recent Game Reviews

453 Game Reviews

A very good game, indeed. Aside from the extremely brief tutorial sections (which I also liked), it's very high action and rewards the player for remembering and utilizing all the abilities at their disposal. After unlocking most of the abilities, you can take bosses apart fairly quickly if you know what you're doing while it's still easy to lose or be thrown off of your rhythm if you are careless. Plus, I rarely felt the game was unfair when I lost.

The music is great. The visuals are minimalistically stunning (if that makes sense). Plus, your visuals are unique enough to where I recognized them almost immediately.

All that being said, I do have some feedback:
- It seems like the Cyclone attack didn't always work when attacking the enemy close up while other times it did. Plus, I never really got much use out of it since doing a dash evasion was almost always more rewarding, both in satisfaction and gameplay wise.
- The Earth boss can get kind of dull when it keeps spamming the chasing spinning attack as this isn't difficult to evade (you just end up running around in a circle for 10 seconds or so). I've had him do it three times in a row (maybe even more).
- There's no option to mute the sound. There's also no option to reset your progress (that way you can go through the game again, beating the bosses with the limited skills you had unlocked at the time). You also have to keep in mind that while you have instructions for the game in the description below the game, the only time the game tells you what the controls are and how each skills can be used is in those briefs tutorials between levels and these can't be experienced again unless you wipe the cookies on your browser.
- I think my biggest issue with the game is that there's not enough of it. I know that sounds a bit spoiled of me, but you developed a very good gameplay system so I was sad it wasn't taken further with a few more bosses. It's like if Undertale ended after the fight with Toriel.

I do hope you'll develop this further, but if not, I thank you for this enjoyable gaming experience. I wish you luck in your future endeavors.

The instructions in the description aren't very helpful at all (the gif visual don't help). They don't make it clear what my objective is and that throwing a fourth harpoon into an eel causes it to explode (I skipped the opening scene because I wanted to get right to the gameplay so if the instructions were there, that wasn't a good place for them). While some of this is explained after dying in the game as well, neither the description nor the game tell you that you need to hold down the mouse button to throw the harpoon.

The gameplay is interesting, but it does rely a bit on luck that, when an eel is ready to explode, that another eel will come along and you'll also have your harpoon ready to hit it. With it being partially luck base, it is a bit unfair that it's so easy to lose. it becomes too difficult to hit an eel when things start speeding up so you just have to hang on and just doing that is a bit boring.

It also might mitigate a bit of criticism and confusion if you put in the description and game that this is game was made for a game jam (I don't know if it was, but I'm guessing because someone else mentioned it).

The visuals and sound/music are well made.

I wish you luck on your future projects.

While the artwork and music is good, I've found a number of issues with the game:
- It seems a little strange to have a platform game that has an attack that pushes you backwards when using it. If you start getting into precise platforming in the full game, this is going to be an annoying combination. Plus, the pause for the attack really interrupts the flow of the game. It worked in something like the first Castlevania because the game focused on combat and limited movement speed, but in your game, it's focused on exploring and traversing with combat. I like that attacking an enemy from above launches you a bit higher, making it easy to propel yourself over them. Also, what reason do we have to engage with enemies in the game if they're not in our way? Usually, I just jump over them because combat is kind of slow (you have to stop and kill them) and you get nothing out of it.
- I think I discovered a glitch: if you're hitting an enemy as you are bouncing off a mushroom, it launches you super high.
- There isn't really any incentive to collect the peppers in the game. As far as I know, they serve no purpose other than making the counter go up in the corner (if there is an incentive, you should probably indicate it in the game). The game itself seems reminiscent of older games, but you're leaving out outdated mechanics (like high scores and the extra life system) while leaving in something like this that served those mechanics. If there was something that unlocked after getting all the peppers in a level and an indicator as to how many peppers are in a level and how many are left to find, it would be different. Or you could have the peppers be fuel for something. If they're not serving a good purpose in the game then you either need to give them one or take them out. Also, the peppers are sometimes placed in such a way at times to where they look easy to collect (some are arranged to appear as if you could collect them just by following the standard path) only for the player character to miss them during jumps and you have to take a half second to go back and grab them. I'd also recommend only placing them in ways that doesn't kill the flow of the game, like if you give the player the special fruit (star powerup from Mario), having them stop to gather the peppers puts a stopper on the fun unless the peppers are ones that can be organically picked up.
- What's the point in having 3 different weapons you can pick up? Only one of them can be used to interact with the environment, like cutting down logs, so I stuck with it for the rest of the game (besides, the others are kind of lame). You could have went the Castlevania route and made it so stuff like peppers filled up the meter for using the weapon, so the more peppers you collect, the faster and more often you can use it and, if you haven't been collecting peppers, you'll have to wait. Just an idea.
- One of the medals for the game is to beat Iris without taking damage. The problem is (and this is a problem even without the medal) that her attack patterns in the second half of the fight are so random that she could teleport over top of you while you are surrounded by (carrots?) in the ground and, as you jump, she hits you with an attack you can't reflect back. This isn't difficulty. This is luck. And, quite frankly, that boss battle is boring, as it goes from fairly easy in the first half to unfair in the second, where most of the time you need to use your range attack to hit her because she teleported far away or too high.
- If you dash into enemies, you push them pretty far. Did you mean for this to happen?
- Maybe put up a wall to the right of the Iris door. I dashed over to the right thinking there was secret area, went off screen, rose in the air a bit, and ended up spawning back near the door, losing health.
- The spider in the tree in the mushroom section over the long run of spike is annoying because you can end up running into it, not really seeing it until you take damage.
- Maybe offer the option to rebind the controls.
- I like that you can lower the framerate in the options menu. A lot of games don't let you do that.
- I hope the dash mechanic is utilized further for more frantic platforming challenges. I say this because I went back to the bridge section and used it when I was behind where the bridge was falling and managed to catch up. It was probably the most fun I'd had in the game so far.

The game has potential, but I'd suggest not to emulator the past too much (or just the good parts of it). Good luck.

Recent Audio Reviews

7 Audio Reviews

Hello! I do very much like being tagged! (I'm just a terrible communicator. I blame the rich)

I apologize for not commenting much. When I comment on Newgrounds, I usually do so to give constructive feedback and to detail exactly why I like or dislike something, but I'm not very familiar with electric dance songs (I'm not even sure if that's the correct genre I'm referencing) so I don't feel like I can give it the proper feedback it deserves.

Nevertheless, I've liked the recordings you've made featuring my voice and I hope you make more great stuff in the future! Thanks a bunch!

Quarl responds:

I wish there were words that could express my gratitude towards you, and there are words like that. I was being hyperbolic, thank you for your talents!!

Thank you for letting me be a part of this! It's great! So many great moments and great voice acting, as well as music and sound effects. Great job everyone!

I can always appreciate a good rap battle; reminds me a bit of Epic Rap Battles of History, which I'm a big fan. I think you can go a bit deeper on the references between your creations and such otherwise it just feels a bit hollow. The beat also feels a tad rushed. Still, I'm liking this.

Cyberdevil responds:

Big fan of Epic Rap Battles of History too. :) Solid feedback man; glad you liked it!

Recent Art Reviews

245 Art Reviews

Wow! The Wendy's girl looks different from what I remember :)

Very good drawing! It has a dream or vision like quality to it (possibly from the large amount of white) that enhances the beauty of the artwork and girl.

Wow, this is pretty imaginative. I like the feel of the artwork in the foreground; it gives you a feeling of adventure and happiness. You can also make out plenty of detail in the background, but it feels like the background kind of drags the rest of the painting down when you compare the detail of the foreground to the background (especially the land mass that the city sits on; it just looks like a bunch of brush strokes). I also like the pinkish/purple coloring. It makes the artwork stand out more than just black and white.

You look forward to seeing more from you. Good luck!

I like the colorfulness of the drawing and I also like how well you captured each of their appearances in your own way. My only complaint with the drawing would be Sayori, as her hair looks too puffy here, where as her hair is more flat in the game. Also, you made her hair brown, where as it should be something along the lines of pinkish brown.

Regardless, I still like the drawing and look forward to seeing more from you.

kurumilover responds:

Thanks so much for the feedback!

I am a voice actor, singer, writer, beta tester, and video maker. If you would like my help with anything from games to animations to almost anything really, let me know.

Age 25, Male


Joined on 12/30/12

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