The game was definitely interesting though I do have complaints (and praise) to write of:
- At the beginning, it is never shown what these objects I need to collect are so I spent a good amount of time ramming into objects hoping they were the things I needed to collect.
- You need to make it perfectly clear what the player can touch and what they can't (for example, I thought the black and yellow striped blocks were safe places to land at one point. Since I was able to sit on the beginning platform, I saw no reason why I couldn't sit on them). I also that the other animals could be interacted with and that the place where you are supposed to put the objects was a place I could enter (since it had an arrow).
- Why is it that only one block appears at a time? Why not have all of them appear and let the player decide which one they want to pick up first? (also, how is a player suppose to know where the next one will appear? There's no indicator so it forces the player to explore parts of the game where there was nothing before to see if something is there now. That's more annoying than fun.
- The game is kind of short.
Now for the good:
- I liked the controls. they were solid and provided for a somewhat challenging games.
- I liked that you added in the warning lights for the different hazards, that way, the player isn't forced to wait for the traps themselves to go off to ensure they would have enough time to cross safely.
- the square piece were fun to pick up. The player can sit on them and move left or right (at times, it looked like the character was doing skateboard tricks with them).
Still, it was a pretty good game. I look forward to your future projects.