Honestly, the game gets kind of boring after a while since all the enemies do the same thing (walk toward you), there isn't any challenge or change as you reach the higher floors, there's no end (although you pointed this out in the description, some boss battle and an end still would have been nice). Also, there's no need to walk passed the first door since you can just walk, walk back out, and walk back in and the room will have changed with more zombies and different items (literally randomly generated).Although the rooms are randomly generated, they are randomly generated into the same set of rooms time after time. Also, the enter door button is in an awkward place for me (if it was the l key or something instead of shift, it would be fine, but this isn't too big of a deal).
I do like the concept of the game and had there been more stuff, I think it would've been pretty cool. You could have had victims that needed to be saved before the zombies got them (you could also give the player the option to kill them, which may slowly turn the character into a monster as well). You could also add vampires or ghosts and maybe make some of the floors have unique wallpaper and decorations.
Still, it is a decent game and I look forward to your next one. I did come across two bugs though.
- When you shoot the TV, it bleeds and it blocks the bullets and stops them from hitting the zombies (was this intentional?)
- Someone mentioned that there was a music track in the game, but I don't hear anything.