A lot like Minoware pointed out, the game shares a lot of things with The Valley Rule like the sound effects (I would really suggest finding or creating new ones. I know the one used for jumping came with Stencyl), the text you used with conveying new power (you've obtained the will to dash), and two power ups that work together (which is still good), and the relaxing environment. However, this ones departs from the other in music, the inclusion of secrets and characters and enemies (I like the toast joke :), taking away the isolation of the first one (with that small inclusion that indicated a wrong doing on the part of the kitten). this game also appears to be larger in size and takes longer, which is also good.
I did find two things that might need fixing.
- The dream level where there are green blocks you can push around. There were times where when I pushed two together, they would explode and end up somewhere else (though this might be due to me pushing a lot of them off screen. Did you mean for the player to be able to push them off screen because this was helpful). Also, if you push one and quickly leave the screen, and come back, they will be in the last place they moved to before the player leaves the screen.
- the screen going dark when using the dash attack is a cool idea, but if you use it a bunch of times in a row on the ground when trying to get somewhere fast, it just looks like the screen is flashing, though not a big deal.
I'm still impressed with your work (I'm also impressed with your hiding places for those secrets). Keep it up and good luck in the contest!