Well, this game is definitely an experience. It's clear a lot of work and thought went into making it. Many parts of your game, especially the atmosphere, is very good though I did find a few problems with it. I'd like to go through the good and bad in list form:
The story is pretty good. I'm gonna take a guess and say it was inspired by Soul series games (like Dark Souls), correct? The history of this world isn't revealed and large pieces of the story aren't elaborated on, such as why did the great light go out, who are the Harbours, what makes people plagued, etc. This isn't necessarily bad though since it keeps mystery in the game and allows people to fill in the blanks for themselves (and can definitely work in your favor if you decide to make a sequel or prequel to it). However, since there's a lack of gameplay variety, a lot of the entertainment value falls on the story and people wanting to learn more and more about it and a lot is left unanswered so some players might feel cheated. It'd been nice to have some extra story information that you could work toward or find, like a letter in a bottle that splashes abroad your ship or that you can catch with a net. Or maybe some of the empty lighthouses have notes. Take this with a grain of salt however. You can't please everyone!
The artwork seems good to me. Due to game lag (I couldn't say it was the game's fault. My computer is sluggish at times), I don't think I got to appreciate the animations fully. I kind of wish there were some more scary visuals in the game. For example, you never got to see the wall eaters' faces (unless you count that one guy) or the fog eater's face (though the sirens' were pretty good). It'd been cool if there were sometimes some scary visuals below deck (maybe representative of the mental state of the Ferryman), especially later in the game; this would reflect the kind of struggle the broadcaster mentions. It just felt like the sea and struggle wasn't shown to be as terrifying as it could have been.
The gameplay is okay.
- When starting the game and looking around, I could tell something unsettling was going to occur. The first time I saw a wall eater, I definitely jumped. However, the game becomes less and less scary as it goes on, mostly due to the fact enemies didn't directly hurt you, only your ship (and it's kind of a let down after hearing what happened to Keeper 2). I get that by attacking your ship, they would kill you, but the Ferryman doesn't really die (based on the dialogue afterward) and the death isn't really scary. Had the wall eaters been able to attack you when your back was turned or the sirens been able to pull you into the water, it would definitely make things more nerve wracking. I also like the idea of having to cover your own lantern to protect yourself from the fog-eater, but this makes you vulnerable to the wall eaters.
- Also, with the gameplay focusing on routine tasks, it could maybe due with a few more, like having a fishing rod on deck to fish for food. However, I will say that the difficulty of balancing tasks peaks at about the time when the player can settle down so I'd say that was good pacing on your parts.
- There were a few things that went unexplained, like why a wall eater kept clinging to the chimney on the ship; what danger did it pose? Did the fires that broke out on the upper deck pose a danger?
The voice acting was extremely good for most of the characters. Very well done! The sound effects and music were good as well. The only character I didn't like was the kid. The voice sounded like a kid, but the lines felt forced; like he was reading from a script. If the point was to make it seem like he was putting on a brave face, then it didn't come across that way; I'd have recommended throwing in a few slip ups that would show his true emotions on the matter. (If you need a voice actor in the future, reach out to me ;)
The radio was interesting though there were only three stations and they repeated themselves; this gets old really fast and it really hinders replay value for the game. I'd recommend having a couple of songs/broadcasts to be randomized on those stations, especially considering story is such a large part to this game (broadcasts that give updates and background on things).
Lastly, there were some glitches I came across:
- You can sometimes see wall eaters crawling around off screen (by that I mean in the sea, on the air, in the darkness around the ship when you are below deck).
- After Lighthouse 10 (I think. It was later in the game), the sound effects started glitching. The sound effects for repairing, putting out fires, etc. would just stop playing and then would later come back (only disappear and come back again later).
- The radio started making a thumping sound. when I tried to turn it off, it started making a double thumping sound, where it felt like the glitch duplicated itself.
- Radio playing after I made it to a lighthouse.
- Siren stayed on ship front after it crashes.
I apologize if it sounds like I'm being overly critical; I enjoyed playing your game and I wanted to give feedback (I wouldn't have written this much if I didn't think your game was cool). I wish you luck with your future endeavor!