Unfortunately, I think the game falls flat in many respects.
- The character you are controlling is supposed to be doing some kind of security guard job (I guess) yet the only instruction we receive is to make the temperature cooler if the egg starts hatching. There's no indication on what else we should be doing or if we are supposed to just wait until the shift is over (there's no indication that time is even passing; a clock would've really been helpful). The only other things I can interact with is the computer, which has me updating strange things that don't seem to have anything to do with the egg and show no indication when they need to be pressed or if they're even important (once I recall the cleaning robots, I shouldn't have to do it again).
- Unless I'm missing something, the game is just lowering the temperature gauge on the egg incubator when it decides to change (I know you said when responding to someone else that the egg is changing the temperature, but for all the player knows, it's just malfunctioning and it really doesn't matter if that's the only thing the egg can do). After more than 10 minutes of having a war of attrition with the temperature gauge changing itself and pressing the buttons on the computer to make sure everything is updated, I just don't want to play it anymore. Nothing is changing.
- I've done two playthroughs so far. On the first one, I let the egg hatch and the only thing that happened was *spoilers ahead* a giant eye appeared on the posters and a bunch of little eyes were in the now open egg. Nothing else happened: no jumpscare, no "you lose" screen. The only other notable thing that happened was that the "air grievances" button disappeared, but that didn't happen in my second playthrough. I don't know if these are glitches or if I'm just not understanding what's going on.
The concept is good, but it's lacking in a lot of areas. There's no sound or music to really put the player on edge except for the egg cracking sound. It's not stressful or challenging; it's just tedious. It'd be interesting to actual have to do a guard job (reporting incidents, checking on different monitors, etc.) while also keeping an eye on the egg.
I wish you luck in your future projects.
Edit: Most of the stuff I pointed out wasn't a lack of content; it was a lack of direction, instruction, and criticisms of what is there (I only threw in the suggestion at the end as a thought). I'd suggest not giving back-handed statements in your replies, especially to those who are providing you with feedback.