The game is pretty cool, but there are some problems:
- the control set up is awkward. Can you make it so the player can set up the controls? At least make the arrow keys a possible replace for the AWSD keys.
- No explanation is given to show how you are supposed to go about solving these stages once you reach them. I will admit; most of them are extremely simple, but for the Jump Hang, you don't say what is the best strategy for this. Should I just run up to it? Should I jump onto the pad while running? Do I need to press the jump button when I hit the pad to go farther? Do I need to jump on the pad in a certain place? I've tried that stage nearly 10 times and I've only succeeded in getting across it once. All of these failures force me to restart, which gets annoying and tedious. Why not have a training center where the player can interact with each one independently. That way, they can learn what to do and when they get to the test course, it is all a matter of putting it together and being fast. (in the real ninja warrior, i'm pretty sure the players are shown how to get through the course so why not do so with this game?)
- Having to wait three seconds to restart also gets annoying. Just have something that says "hit spacebar when you're ready".
- For the second obstacle where you are hanging from something that has holes in it, why does it take so long to start moving sometimes?
Still, like I said, I do like the game, but it gets frustrating after a while. It would be different if it was my own fault for not pressing the buttons in time, but a lack of knowledge on how to proceed is what's keeping me back. I will happily beta test and help you with your future games (I love being involved in the game making process). Good luck with your next release.