Seeing that the comment section is empty and that there is input box for me to submit one fills me with Determination.
But really, I don't comment as much as I used to, but seeing as there were none on this submission, I felt it deserved one. I love the vibrant colors you used in this drawing, the expressions on the characters' faces are awesome, and the art style (along with the color choices) stay very true to the original art by the creator of the game. I also like the inclusion of the red heart. It does seem kind of strange how small she (no gender is stated in game, but I think it's a she) is here compared to everyone else, but it does add to the cuteness and definitely stresses the fact that she's a kid (I also like her expression). Overall, very well done.
On another note, I also checked out the link for buying a t-shirt of this print. I wish the picture was more spread out on the shirt (I don't mean to make it bigger, but in the picture, they're scrunched together and it's cool and funny in the picture, but on a shirt, I just wish they were more spread out. I know there's nothing you could do about that, except for drawing a brand new picture, but I still wanted to voice my thought). Still, I honestly wanted to buy one, which is a feeling that I've never gotten in a long time (and this coming from the person who hasn't boughten a t-shirt in years because I just wear old ones), but it seems kind of pricy. I could understand $15 and even $20, but $27 is really pushing it.