Cool picture. Are you seeing anyone ;)
Cool picture. Are you seeing anyone ;)
Thank you! Of course, I'm seeing my boyfriend : P
Man, if this is your practice then you must be like Michael Angelo when you do your serious projects! Great job. The only comment I have to make is her pupils. They look a little strange, but they work and give her an exotic look.
Thanks ^^
Very good. What did you draw this on to get that color in the background?
I drew it on paper. the camera was alittle on the crappy side of things but turned out ok.
A very interesting piece of art. Much better than anything I've drawn. The eye with the red iris is kind of creepy. Those eyes remind me of the girl from Devil May Cry 3. I have a few questions:
What's that grey hair coming off of her blue shoulder pad?
She has four bubbles on her stomach area. Are those suppose to be her abs?
What is an OC (I know this one is a stupid question, but I honestly don't know exactly)?
Still, a good piece.
I also wanted to congratulate you on being scouted and accepted into the Art Portal. I think of it as an honor. Don't forget about others who were in your previous position before though. Any ambitious person deserves to have their art looked at. Good luck!
thanks plasmarift.
i dont see a grey hair coming off of her shoulderpad, at least, there shouldnt be one there. lol.
the bubbles arent necessarily her abs, but just areas where her skin is more fleshy colored. i typically color round areas like that.
Also an OC is an original character. I shouldnt have to confirm that, but people like to assume everything is fanart.
and thanks for the congratulations. i constantly scour the unscouted section and look for those that i would like to associate with myself. i have even check you out, already. :)
I think a game for pleasure island would be awesome. This is definitely a good start, though you might want the head to be looking forward when running and this pose to be when he is standing still. Let your fans know if you need any assistance. (I'm sure sexual-lobster would like the idea). :)
Hopefully he will.
The drawing is good. I don't know who this is, but there is something very interesting about her that I can't seem to comprehend.
thank you ~
shes not from anything , just my imagination....
glad you like it.
Pretty good, but what is wrong with her nose and what company are you referring to.
The SScollab company
Update: Yeah and the nose it's unique
I am a voice actor, singer, writer, beta tester, and video maker. If you would like my help with anything from games to animations to almost anything really, let me know.
Age 25, Male
Joined on 12/30/12