Man, that is one angry cat. So for an actual critique, the overall anatomy of the body looks great (I'm glad you didn't hop on the band wagon of giving all your girl drawings big boobs). I like the black and white outline of the art; I don't really know why, but it adds to the cartoonyness of the piece, which separates it from making it look realistic. It's something I've always wanted to learn (that probably didn't make much sense, but just take it as compliment). My only suggestions might be to make the elbows less pointy, the shoulders less flat, and maybe a different color for the lips as it seems to match the hair too much.
Also, I see the letters GW on the foot. Are those your initials?
(By the way, I tried googling it and checking your tumblr. I can't find the uncensured version. Maybe I'm a little too early)