It is a pretty good picture so I will say you have some talent, a lot more than me in painting. I like scenery paintings. However, in these types of pictures, since the viewer does not have something to directly appreciate (a character prominent in the picture for example), the painting must stand alone and be exceptional all around. It is also lacking in detail, especially on the faded light brown rock structure on the right. Although this idea of painting may not be held by everyone, I think the key to making a really good painting is to make it not look like a painting. Make it look like you are looking into the window of a different world, that you could reach into it and touch the rocky structure.
I can plainly see the brush marks in some places, like the light brown rock mentioned before and the mountains in the center seem a little too faded and smeared in a way (though I might be explaining that wrong. I can't always find the words to explain things properly). However, I like the detail put into the dark reddish brown rock on the left. The clouds for the most part have been well made. The small slither of brown on the light brown rock which I am guessing is a person needs more a little more detail, but not too much more since the person is far away. What program did you use to make this or did you paint this by hand? I'd suggest putting that in the description.
From the looks of things under Related Stuff, you already have a lot of stuff out and I might just go through them someday. Keep up the good work.