I did like the game for its cuteness and dialogue (you made it a little less diabetic cute and weird, which is good in my tastes).
- I also liked that you could see other areas, but couldn't reach them (this actually made me a little upset as it felt like they were secrets that were out of reach, but it made it so even after you finished the game, it still contained some mystery and unexplored adventure.
- Your choice in missions in this game were pretty fun and definitely weren't always easy to figure out like the hide and seek boulder one (though repeating the boulder pushing puzzle from the first was pretty lame, sorry).
- I like the character development you did from the first game to this one for some of the characters (it is very subtle, but still noticeable).
- Thank you for including medals. That is one way to draw people to play your game (because not only do I get to have fun, but I rack up points at the same time).
Things I suggest improving on:
- Try making the next game longer and more expansive.
- the fact that the items from the previous game were carried over and not used (except for the keys) was a little disappointing (it was like getting a cool weapon and not getting the chance to use it).
- You reused a few things from your previous game, like the main character sprite and other characters (this is understandable and okay), but you made the main mission to gather huge pencils, the first thing you picked up in the first game and you used the daisy sprite from the first game for Clara (or at least I think it is the same. It looks similar). I know you made other new ones, but it is best to walk a fine line when reusing stuff because some players may get turned off by this if they feel like they are playing a rehashing of the original one.
- I'd take a look at Reaching Finality before you implement the battle system, as I think it would be a good fit for your game.
I can't think of much else to say, but that I hope your next release and this one go well. Let me know if you'd like any help with game design and sprite creations (I just started making some and have gotten decent at doing so).