You may have some problems with this game. I tried three different browsers to try and make it work and the only one it seems to work satisfactory on is Safari: on Google Chrome, it never loads and on Firefox, for some reason, it wouldn't let me select any of my inventory items that were in the center (the center of the popup box that contained them, I mean). Even on Safari, the game lagged, sometimes freezing for over thirty seconds, which allowed a bird that entered the area to escape before I could capture it.
Another problem I had was with trying to make the fishing rod; I had enough materials to make one, but whenever I went to build it, it said I lacked materials. The game forced me to get twice as many materials as I needed to make just one (even though it only used the actual correct amount of materials), which may have contributed to my loss in the game.
On a note related to gameplay, I do really like it, especially the comedy behind the fact that you can eat and throw everything you own. However, it does suffer from problems:
- the game doesn't explain enough about the items to know what is better, like the many oars you could create; do any of them assist more in rowing? Also, the text descriptions often go off screen or can't be seen because they go behind something else. The amount of things you can create is pretty limited and what you can do with the things you have is pretty limited as well, as the only two options are to eat and throw.
- You need to invest a lot of time into it in order to win, yet the game is based on luck; luck if a bird appears overhead, luck if you actually catch a fish, luck if it is raining to get more water, luck if you get useful items from birds and fish, luck if you were pushed closer to your destination. It only takes a few bad luck cases in a row to end your game, which can be very frustrating for a game where you made all the right choices, but the game dictated your fate. I don't really know what to suggest to fix this except making the game's length shorter or somehow give the player more control over the situation, like a mini-game, varying in toughness from time to time that will determine if the player catches a fish. Maybe set a specific number of feathers and bones you get from birds (varying by a +1 or -1 feather from time to time. Maybe add some more items to increase player strategy, like a bone bird call device that can call birds to your location (with maybe an 80% chance of success). Stuff like that.
I wish you luck in your future gaming endeavors.