This game does have problems though the randomly generated floors isn't one of them (if you have bad luck on the first few floors and you die, you can always quickly regain your progress. After the first five floors, you should have enough equipment to deal with whatever comes your way).
- The biggest problem is that you hide a majority of the level in darkness. The reason why this is bad is because, on the upper levels, you run the risk of opening a door and immediately being killed when there are two men with automatics, one with a shotgun, and others waiting by the door, shooting at you the moment you open the door (and this is only around level 20). This has so many problems coupled with it:
--> I've experienced this myself. As soon as you open the door, you can be shot and take damage and you aren't able to move out of the way as there seems to be a short pause as the new room you just opened up is revealed. This means the game forces you to take damage. That isn't right.
--> If you want to play it smart and safe, you have to assume the worst, so you have to have your best guns equiped (and firing as soon as you open the door is your best bet since you are going to take damage from gun wielding guys standing next to the door regardless of how fast you are because shooting as soon as the door open will still end with you getting shot first as they are still faster). If it turns out that it is just a few unarmed cops, then you can either waste your good ammo or quickly equip some lesser guns or bare fists (why conserve ammo? Partly because you put a limit on how much the player can carry so they have to be mindful of it and can't just waste it). This wouldn't be a big deal if this situation only occurred a few times in the game, but you run the risk of this EVERY TIME you open a door, so you always have to do this or take a gamble and hope you won't have to deal with this situation.
--> If there are a lot of guys on the other side of the door with good guns, you are going to take damage no matter what, even if you jump and move backwards, so you're left with two options: use your healing items before opening the door (even if all you have are the gold ones and you have half your health still) to bring your health up to a decent level or take a gamble, open the door, and hope there isn't hell on the other side. Sure, you can probably heal yourself as soon as you take damage, but that is assuming you are quick enough to do so (plus, the button for healing is in a weird spot) and if you actually have healing items to use. If this is the first door of the floor, you won't be able to back up far, making it easy for you to get cornered and die, even if you just healed yourself.
- Another problem is getting shot at and punched the moment you enter a floor. Yes, you could move away as soon as this happens, but you are going to lose health no matter what, which makes this unfair. If I lose a game, I want it to feel like I screwed up, I don't want to feel like I was cheated by the game.
- As for leveling up, why do you make the player wait to die so they can level themselves up? You make it so they have to die for them to reap the benefits that they earned during the actual gameplay. It would make sense for them to get the benefits of the upgrade when they earned it. This wouldn't be such a big deal if dying didn't mean starting from floor one. You could have made it so they could level themselves up in the pause menu and when they die.
- With the number seven gun, if the enemy is too close to you, if goes passed them, doing no damage.
- Bringing all this together into one problem, the problem is you can't play the game fast and smart, no matter how much you level yourself up. You can't blaze through the early levels since you need to conserve your good ammo, you take damage no matter what somtimes (you even put a limit on the number of first aid kits you can carry, one of the few things that could offset some of the problems I mentioned), and the game cheats you by doing damage to you you can't avoid.
- Once the enemies are near you and have shot a few times, sometimes they'll just stand there. Why would they just stand there and not keep shooting? If they are reloading, I would suggest having them start back up to put distance between them and you until they have reloaded as that would be the smart thing to do if the enemy were smart.
- Another commenter was correct; the weapon select menu isn't really that good. It's easily just to push the number key then use it (and why wouldn't you have the left mouse button select the gun and the right mouse button turn on and off the menu?).
My suggestions for the game:
- Make it so you can see how many enemies are on the other side (you don't even need to show them, just show something like a seismic animation to show they are making noise by walking. That way you can time when to enter the room, waiting for some to walk to the other side of the room).
- Get rid of the pauses I mentioned or decrease enemy reaction time in the case of opening doors.
- Add an upgrade menu that can be accessed through a pause menu.
- Add a mute and pause feature.
- Add an option to change the control scheme. Even if not all players use it, they will appreciate having the option to use it (personally, I know I would use it to switch the g and h keys.
- Make it so weapons can be changed by clicking on the weapons at the top of the screen.
As it stands now, I think the game is missing a few elements that would truly make it fair and challenging because right now it is just "shoot fast and survive". For example, there's no duck feature, no way to hide behind cover, the enemies AI aren't really smart. Regardless, I still got enjoyment out of the game and I like the concept. I hope to see more from you in the future.