The game could be pretty good, but it is lacking in certain things.
Lacking or bad:
- You can only carry one weapon at a time and the range or attack pattern of each weapon is not explained or shown until after you buy it (it would have been cool if you can carry one weapon and one spell at the least). Also, the fact that the new weapon you buy replaces the old one without returning the materials you used to build it is annoying.
- It seems as if certain weapons are best to use against certain bosses. I only reached the second and it seems that range weapons were the best to use since the boss can easily take out his melee weapon to hit you if you get close. It adds to the annoyance that the player will not know this until they meet the boss and have already made their choice in weapon, good or bad.
- Not being able to visit previous rooms, even if there was nothing left to gather in them, takes a little away from the experience, but not too much.
- I know someone else has complained about it, but the boomerang attack (as cool looking at the concept is) always seems to go around the enemies due to the limited space provided for the player on the platforms. It is still possible to hit them, but the boomerang is awkward in a way and definitely not one of my favorite weapons.
- The second room shows the way you came in being wall. (was there a cave-in?)
- The battling system for the game was interesting. Not having the player actually swing melee weapons, but have them swing themselves may show a lack of additional sprite art (no offense) or this was on purpose. Either way, it still looked kinda cool.
- There were no glitches, at least, from as far as I went in the game.
- I can see under Credit and Info you went all out gathering or making songs. Very good idea to get a sound track for your game.
- I really don't know for certain if it was the best idea, but thank you for letting the players keep the materials they gathered during the adventure even after dying. This at least allows the players to make the specific weapon they may want and need.
- As small as this may sound, thank you for putting in control instructions, a "try again" function, and for putting in a story, as short as it may be. I've played a lot of game recently that lack these traits.
I hope to see more games from you. This is definitely a step in the right direction, but it feels so limiting and cramped in the game when I feel like I should have more freedom and more ways to kill the enemies, but it was still an okay game despite its flaws (by the way, thank you for coming back and fixing the problems other players complained about). I hoped you'll keep making games. Good luck with your future projects.