Why is Anakin Skywalker wearing glasses? : )
I look forward to seeing what the third installment will bring (I have no idea where you're going with this one.
Why is Anakin Skywalker wearing glasses? : )
I look forward to seeing what the third installment will bring (I have no idea where you're going with this one.
I like the square heads of the characters; it reminds me of something (possibly Legos. I can't remember). It's interesting that this can both be seen as figurative (with the title calling it an unfinished story and the fact that parts of the drawing are still in sketch form) or as an actual artist who did not wish to finish the drawing for reasons unknown (though your comments kind of get rid of this possibility). What keeps striking me as awesome is the head of the guy; a lot of detail went into it, the hair, and the emotion in his face with him trying to hold it together as he's falling apart on the inside. I suppose the only draw backs I see are that the guy's head is bigger than the girl's and that it appears TOO finished or doesn't appear unfinished enough in some respects, such as the fact that the girl's hand isn't drawn near the edge of the screen (good), but her leg which is near the edge as well, is done except for the foot (kind of bad).
Then again, I may not be the best art critics to ask for advice.
Nope you actually tell me , What should I work on !!
I like the color scheme, especially the blue color for the sky though I've read this literature and know it takes place on a boat and the boat the captain is standing on looks weird (I don't think it should be curved like that). Also, his chest looks like he has one huge bulge on it, going from his stomach area to his chest. I guess my last criticism is that the scene almost looks comic in a way, especially if someone saw this and had never heard of this writing, then this may appear funny, as the captain has his hand to his face to indicate "Darn it. How'd this thing get on my neck again." or "my crew mates played another weird joke on me."
Still, I like the fact that you're trying to draw diverse things. A lot of people on newgrounds just stick with drawing the same kinds of things over and over again so your work brings a breath of fresh air. I hope you'll keep drawing diverse and different things like this and devilsgarage is correct, you are getting better.
Thanx And Yes ! My brother thought The same !! LOL
I like the design, the girl and her cute expression, and the swimsuit top, but the top of her body looks larger than the lower half. Still, keep posting. I'd like to see more of your art. And by the way, is she wearing blue shorts or is that a towel draped across her waist?
Wow, I havent even noticed the top of the body seems kinda off, that's what I get for drawing it zoomed in, I neglect the whole picture and focus too much on the individual. Hehe.
And yeah, it's a towel, it looked more like a towel before I drew the table in front of it.
Thanks for your review.
The guy kind of reminds me of a private eye with the trench coat and tough look so it's cool. My complaints lie in the background (what in the world is back there). Many things in the picture seem far too grey compared to Ben so I'd suggest adding more diverse colors (especially to the "Jennette, please come back to me"). also, what are the yellow lines in the picture? Anyways, I think it's pretty good (I hope you aren't discouraged because of my criticisms. I'm a very critical person). I wish you good luck on your comic!
Thanx !!!
Huh, for a second, I thought he had an enlarged head on the right side. I think you made the hair on his right side too long and big and the yellow streaks going up into his hair looks somewhat strange (it doesn't match the actual pictures I've seen of the dark prince). Also, the mouth probably needs to be shifted over to the right more. However, the picture is pretty good and realistic, especially with the hair on the good prince and I don't know why, but I guess I always thought the glowing yellow lines on the dark prince were cool even though I hate that guy. Good job.
Thanx !! Wooot
The art is good though I'm not quite sure what is happening in the picture (or where this is taking place).
Honestly, it seems like you're humor has been going down hill recently. I don't know if it's too predictable, too simple, or just not very clever (in this case, it may have been a combination), but the only comic I've laughed at recently was your master splinter one. Still, I do expect that great things from you in the future. Terrible, terrible, oh yes, but great :)
I must say they are a very cute couple (I definitely like their matching green tops). I read through the comic series up until the day of this post (certainly interesting, but I usually don't read comics so I don't have much to compare it to). I wanted to give you some encouragement. You're doing a great job (your humor is unpredictable in ways, which is more than I can say about a lot of other comedy stuff). Let me know if you need any help with the voice acting or writing, especially for the movies (I'm pretty good at voice acting). As someone pointed out on your "Climbing" movie, with a little polishing, mainly in the voice and sound effect departments, it may have made it to the front page.
Thanks! I'll definitely hit you up if I start animating again.
That is one handsome creature! (these are the kinds of characters they should be making cartoons of). I have to remember this picture.
Haha thanks!
I do love cartoons.
Hopefully someday I will make my own show.
With weird characters.
I am a voice actor, singer, writer, beta tester, and video maker. If you would like my help with anything from games to animations to almost anything really, let me know.
Age 25, Male
Joined on 12/30/12