Very appealing and sexual without showing anything that would need censured on TV. Very good job. I especially like the pose.
Very appealing and sexual without showing anything that would need censured on TV. Very good job. I especially like the pose.
Thanks, appreciate your comment a lot.
I would really like to know the backstory to this picture. This creature (or plant) is standing in a pool of its own blood. It's feet look like roots so I'm guessing that this thing is soaking up its own blood and bleeding it bad out. I don't know if the person's review below me is correct, but when looking at art like this, people seem to find it to have deeper meaning. The name Venus has been associated historically with beauty and honestly, the main body itself is not bad looking yet they are the only things that are confined by string. I'm not really sure what to think, but I like art that gets me to think. Good job.
as i told invaderatomis, there is not much to tell really " all in the eye of the beholder" as it were, artwork is at its best when it is ambiguous, when it gets people to think and feel things, but not just one thing.. a painting of a mountain is nice... but it will only ever show you a mountain. a painting of a thought or idea can show you much more and it will never show the same thing to any one person, that, at least in my mind, is true beauty
This reminds me of Avatar (no offense), but a more updated and realistic one. I really like the glowing eyes and the dark background (it gives the picture a sense of uncertainty and vulnerability, if that makes any sense). Very good job
I consider it'd be a little better if she mad instead of crying (it is just my opinion though. it just looks kind of sad). The art, however, is very well done, especially the background and the anatomy of the girl, and a very good job with the ribbon coverage. With a few minor changes, this could have been a Christmas picture (that's what I thought of when I first saw it). Who is this character from?
I am liking the detail you put into this. The guy's shirt, head, and the shadow surrounding the character to make him stand out are very good, but the shoes and pants seem to lack this detail (the background also lacks even minimal details. Just a few pencil marks could have done so much). The concept of seeing an execution from the shooter's point of view is very cool. Keep up the good work!
(Let me know if you need a songwriter for your band)
I really like the colors of the space rainbows, the platform, and the overall background, but the animated girl just kind of takes away from this a little since she contrasts so much from everything else (it just kind of seems like she was thrown in there). Though, even with this opinion, I think the picture looks really good and I definitely like the detail you put in the girl character, especially in the shadows on her clothes (the head looks a little bit awkward compared to the rest of her though).
Keep up the good work and good luck with finals (I have two finals left to take).
Rainbows are so much fun to make XD
I noticed the head issues while coloring it, but I'd already spent several hours on it and I didn't feel like going back and fixing it. The rainbows, oddly enough, were actually the afterthought (it started with a random sketch of the girl O_o). I'm a good test-taker, so no worries about finals for me (except psychology T_T), and I hope you do well on yours too.
This is pretty cool. Somewhat old school, but very appealing to me (It has more detail than the first Wolfenstein game yet is lacking in some consistency with the walls).
I hope you make a game out of this. I'd be willing to help.
Very good job. I always find myself impressed by the eye design of the art in newgrounds and yours is no exception! Although lacking in color and a detailed background, I love the look the character is giving, as if uncertain, but aware and ready for something to happen. The character herself looks a little like a cross between a Naruto character and a Avatar character (I think it's cool). The left eye might be a little too low, but it is hard to tell since my drawing skills, as limited as they are, do not involve drawing people.
Keep up the good work.
Cool. I love your use of shadows and shading on the dog and I really like how well you drew the grass; it looks real. The eyes are also a very captivating part of the picture. They almost look like a really dark or dirty red. Very good job.
I've been wanting to finish a picture of a dog I used to have. He's a Rat Terrier (They are very similar in appearance sometimes, but a Rat Terrier has longer legs.)
It is a pretty good picture so I will say you have some talent, a lot more than me in painting. I like scenery paintings. However, in these types of pictures, since the viewer does not have something to directly appreciate (a character prominent in the picture for example), the painting must stand alone and be exceptional all around. It is also lacking in detail, especially on the faded light brown rock structure on the right. Although this idea of painting may not be held by everyone, I think the key to making a really good painting is to make it not look like a painting. Make it look like you are looking into the window of a different world, that you could reach into it and touch the rocky structure.
I can plainly see the brush marks in some places, like the light brown rock mentioned before and the mountains in the center seem a little too faded and smeared in a way (though I might be explaining that wrong. I can't always find the words to explain things properly). However, I like the detail put into the dark reddish brown rock on the left. The clouds for the most part have been well made. The small slither of brown on the light brown rock which I am guessing is a person needs more a little more detail, but not too much more since the person is far away. What program did you use to make this or did you paint this by hand? I'd suggest putting that in the description.
From the looks of things under Related Stuff, you already have a lot of stuff out and I might just go through them someday. Keep up the good work.
Yo thanks for the review man you're awesome !! And I used photoshop cs5.1 and drew it with a tablet. Thanks for taking the time for writing a good review you don't know how much that means to me! And I'll be learning from what you've mentioned and again thank you, you gave me some good material to go through. :) :) :)
I am a voice actor, singer, writer, beta tester, and video maker. If you would like my help with anything from games to animations to almost anything really, let me know.
Age 25, Male
Joined on 12/30/12