A nice story, a bit sketchy in terms of worldbuilding (however small it is in a short story), but it has everything explained by the end. Can't say I enjoyed all the comedy inserted (I think some of those broke the immersion too much), but some of those were nice pace relievers. Overall, well done!
Nice work! Really creative take on the glass prompt. The way you write is really charming and (in a good way) reminds me of comics/cartoons, but in a literature format. I like the way Lillie's glass skin is explained and overall this was just a really lighthearted, enjoyable read!
Thanks a bunch! I wasn't sure if the comedic writing/slightly serious writing tone would work out. I kind of wished I had made Brock's sculpture something different, like a scale model of the glass show, complete with people being in awe of his sculpture. Thanks for having this contest!